It’s that time again. Back to school. However, this time it’s a little different. You are bringing your child to college! One of the most important things you can do for your child is make their dorm room feel like a warm and secure place to be. It’s their new home and they will be spending a lot of time in this small space. We’ve pulled together some essentials to help make your planning a little bit easier.

- Because who doesn’t need a ‘poop pillow’ in college?
- Add a splash of color with this oversized chambray pillow. Add different colors to your bed and your futon. Also great for screaming into.
- This steer head skull wall decor will add some serious power to your room. You will feel ready for the day. The steer head represents courage, toughness, and agility. You need all those things in college.
- You’ve had a long day and it’s time to climb into your solid down alternative comforter. Go ahead, sleep in…because it’s Saturday.
- You need some shag in college. Not swag, not shagging, I’m talking about a SHAG RUG people! You will also need a vacuum. Check out our other Dorm Room Essentials for vacuum ideas, along with some other essentials you will need for your dorm room.
- You are going to have to study now. You might even have to study all night. High school is over. Welcome to the wonderful life of coffee. The Keurig will soon become your new best friend.
- Yup, you will need sheets for your bed and yes, you will need to wash them…by yourself…without your mom.
- Have you ever seen the showers in the dorms? If you’re lucky enough, you are living in a new or remodeled dorm. I was not that lucky. These shower shoes are probably a good idea either way.
- Mom and dad are coming to visit. You might want to rethink what’s in your fridge. Best tip, fill with fruit and veggies for a clean and energized mind. You won’t regret it the next day.
- Red is the color of power and energy. It also represents passion, fire, and love. Who knew a towel could make you feel so good?
- This utility cart will be so useful. You can use it for your extra clothes, groceries, electronics, and more. See how useful it will be?!
- Finally, the futon. This is one of the most important pieces in your bedroom. This will make your room feel more like a home. Plus, you need somewhere for your visitors to sleep, right?!
When we did our first dorm room essential post, I came across this post from a mom, “18 summers” that went viral. I’ve read it numerous times and I STILL get teary every time I read it. It’s so true. It’s not just true in raising your kids, but it’s true in life in general. You don’t realize how great things are or how present you really should be, until after the moment has passed. Even on vacations, we will get home and look at the pictures and say “that really WAS beautiful etc. We try to be present, but a lot of times we need to try harder. Love today for what it is. Find joy in each moment because someday (soon) you realize those moments passed.
To each and every mom, dad, and new college student, we wish you the best of luck. You can and will do great things.

Hurry and get in on the Serena and Lily sale! Use the code: WAVES for additional savings.
This is a great summer blues (in a good way) look for your summer porch or outdoor patio! Granted the items are a splurge but they are built to last.
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