One of my favorite things to do when I want to reset my body is to juice. I used to juice a combination of fruits and veggies, but lately I just juice organic celery. I highly recommend this. This would be one of my top, if not the top, way to start clearing out the toxins from your body. It helps with bloating (and this momma is bloated), clearer skin, and stable moods. Drink celery juice each morning on an empty stomach. You can juice enough for two days, but I wouldn’t do more than that because it can start to lose it’s nutrients. My juicer is really easy to use and clean. Make sure you use organic!
I first heard about the benefits of drinking celery juice from an ad I saw on Facebook featuring Anthony William, known as the Medical Medium. While I don’t believe in mediums or in everything Anthony is trying to “sell,” I do believe in the healing powers, or lack thereof, in foods. If you are interested in his work, click here.
Things You Should Know:
- Don’t drink it too fast or drink too much to start. If you do, you may become nauseated.
- You may get itchy! I didn’t know this was even a thing until two friends told me about their experiences. Their itchiness lasted for up to five hours and then it was gone. We don’t think they are allergic to the celery, but rather it was a detoxing effect. However, that doesn’t mean YOU aren’t allergic to celery. Watch for signs and start off slow.
- Drink it on an empty stomach for the greatest benefit. You may drink it 30 minutes after your morning lemon water if that is currently in your morning routine.
- Only juice enough for two mornings worth or it will start to lose its nutrients.
- Clean your celery the night before so it’s ready to juice.
- It may make you poop! Sorry for the P word, but everybody does it. It will eventually go away after a few times.
- Celery juice kills off unproductive bacteria and helps out the liver.
- Juicing celery is more powerful than eating it raw.
- Drink up to 16 ounces a day to start.
“I’ve been drinking celery juice every morning for the last six months and feel great! I’ve noticed a huge difference in my energy levels and digestive system. I even travel now with my juicer so I don’t miss out on my daily celery juice!” — Miranda Kerr, supermodel, founder and CEO of KORA Organics
The Juicer:
Personally, I use a Breville juicer. I did a little research on juicers because my partner had one and she said she quit juicing because it was such a process to clean it. I didn’t want to have another kitchen gadget laying around or taking up space that I didn’t use. After looking into some reviews I decided on the Breville Juice Fountain Plus. It’s fast, it doesn’t seem to waste much of the veggies I use, and the best of all it’s easy to clean. The hardest thing to clean is probably the filter basket, but I just rinse it and throw it in the dishwasher if it needs more cleaning. I make sure to rinse every thing off right away, which makes clean up even easier. Breville states, “Breville’s Nutri Disc and patented juicing system extract more nutrients than other juicers and transfers less than 1.8F of heat to protect enzymes and maximize nutrient absorption of select nutrients.” I’m sold!
How To Make Celery Juice:
Take a package of organic celery, wash it, and push one stalk at a time on high speed through my juicer. I use the whole package. Viola! Done!

You can also use a high speed blender like a Vitamix or Ninja. Cut up your celery into thirds and add a 1/4 cup of water. Strain the juice through a nut milk bag or other type of netting.
I sometimes add two carrots, one apple, some ginger, and half a lemon along with the celery for a different kind of juice. This is also very good.
For me the benefits are clear when I am drinking celery juice. My skin clears up, my bloating is reduced, and I have more energy. I don’t juice every day, although I wish I did. Of course there are all kinds of people trying to disprove the fact that celery is ‘that good’ for you. I see and feel the benefits. Do I believe it cures cancer? I guess I can’t be the judge on that one. I will continue to enjoy what I know for now.
You can also read our full post on over 10 ways to reset your body and mind. Happy Health!

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The opinions expressed within this article are the personal opinions of just live joy. We are not doctors and don’t claim to be. Always check with your health care provider for your best care prior to taking this or any supplements or medications. No information on this site should be relied upon to make a medical diagnosis, prevent, cure, or determine treatment for a condition. By reading this, you acknowledge that you are responsible for your own health decisions and that it is your responsibility to consult with your doctor about any health issues, supplements, or anything related to your own health. Stay healthy and happy. Thank you!